Frequently asked questions:

What is Affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is an internet platform where a company pays a commission to the partner for every transaction (every sale of a product or service).

What is a partner's link?
Partner's link is a unique URL address, that records the partner's transaction and results. The partner's links, and banners with the partner's links that the partner puts on their website, can be found in his/her profile in the section “Affiliate programs”
What is required to become a partner?
To become a partner, it is necessary to understand the basics of Affiliate marketing. It is advisable, but not mandatory to have your own website, where you can put the partner's links. A bank account is required so that we can transfer any commission you have earned.
Who can apply for the Affiliate marketing program at Novaffiliates?
Almost anyone can apply for the Affiliate marketing program: natural persons, self-employed and legal persons.
How can I apply to become a partner at Novaffiliates?
  1. Register for our Affiliate program;
  2. After receiving confirmation and the password, go into your partner's account and find out more about all the options;
  3.  By using the partner's link that you will find in your account, attract visitors;
  4. Receive commission for every new client that you attract.
How can I find out how much money I have earned?
By selecting the section “Reports” in the partner's account, you will find all the transactions that have been made using your partner's link. Transactions are recorded automatically using Cookie Tracking data, which is in the memory of the customer’s computer.
When will I get the money and how?
All transactions are summarised, and commission payments are calculated, once a month. Payments can be made by the request till 5th day of the current month. The minimum payment amount is 70 euros unless the partner has written another amount in their profile.
Where can I put the advertisement?
You can only place advertising materials on websites that you own or manage. You cannot publish advertisements in violation of the law with regard to advertising in the given country. Information is provided about what kinds of advertising methods are allowed and what is prohibited, next to every campaign.

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